books and territory / JOURNEYS and PLACES

Supplément au recueil des piéces de poésie publièes a l’occasion du voyage en Savoie de LL.MM. et des augustes princesses


Imprimerie de Gorrin (editore)

Publication date:


This volume continues the tale about the royal journey in Savoy. It begins with a diary that reports on the itinerary followed by the Royal Family throughout Annecy, Chambéry, Bassens, until they come back to Italy, in Susa and Rivoli. The publisher puts along with this logbook a collection of different kinds of poems, a symbol of the people’s devotion and a memory on the mark that the Savoy house left on Chambéry. There are some popular songs too among the poems, with instructions on the melody that has to be known to sing the song.

Roi bien-aimé, Reine adorable,
Daignez revoir notre séjour:

Il en est de plus agréable,

Nul ne vous offre plus d’amour.
Quand du bonheur l’instant s’envole,
De son retour l’espoir console:

On chante, narguant le chagrin,
Vive Victor et le bon vin !

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