books and territory / HOUSE of SAVOY

Lettres de Henriette-Marie de France Reine d’Angleterre a sa soeur Christine Duchesse de Savoie


Hermann Ferrero

Publication date:


The volume gathers the abundant correspondence (1628-1666) between the queen of Great Britain with the duchess Christine, named “Royal Madame”. The letters contain a wide variety of subjects, from the family to the destiny of people such as Marie de’ Medici, queen of France, and Oliver Cromwell. An interesting report on how public and private life mixes up in the royal European families’ plights, since they are all connected through close familiar and friendly bonds.

Se n’est pas les royaumes qui donne les contantemants… les roys sont aussy malheureux et encore plus quelquefois que les autres.
(Henriette-Marie à sa sœur Christine, lettre XXXIV)

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